Key highlights
The year 2018 was marked by a favourable macro environment and a strong operating performance. The markets of almost all our core commodities except for platinum posted strong price gains, cost inflation was subdued as domestic inflation in Russia was low. Nornickel increased copper and palladium sales volumes by approximately 20% as well a realized tangible results from operating cost savings due to the implementation of a long-term efficiency program, including digitalization projects. Nornickel also generated maiden EBITDA of almost USD 100 million from its newly commissioned Bystrinskoye copper project.
Global industry leading EBITDA margin Peer group includes Anglo American, BHP, Glencore, Rio Tinto, Vale. in 2018
Global industry leading dividend yield Dividend yield for each calendar year was calculated using the amount of dividends recommended by the Board of Directors for this calender year and the average ADR price for this year according to Bloomberg.
Financial highlights
Operating highlights
Medium-term production outlook is available in the 2018 strategy update presentation (slide 28) disclosed on Nornickel’s website.
Nornickel has started the second phase of its environmental programme and launched infrastructure upgrades, digitalisation of data and other initiatives which comply and support with the long term national strategic priorities set by the Russian Federal Government.
Global ESG initiatives